Your Zero trigger will provide a lifetime of service with proper maintenance. It is important to keep your trigger clean, and we suggest cleaning it between 800-1200 rounds.
To clean the ZERO trigger when the trigger is outside the rifle:
We recommend using camp fuel or white gas. Fully soak your trigger inside a small container of white gas for about 5 minutes. Make sure the container is covered or has a lid. Use clean cotton patches to wipe off all carbon deposits from the hammer, disconnector, and trigger.
To clean the ZERO trigger when the trigger is installed in your rifle:
We recommend using camp fuel or white gas. Place your lower receiver upside down where the hammer faces the workbench. Use a small squeeze bottle to squeeze white gas into the trigger. Repeat this step a few times until all surfaces inside the trigger housing are wet. Without any delay, rotate your receiver and use clean cotton patches to wipe off all carbon deposits from the hammer, disconnector, and trigger. Repeat this process until the carbon deposit is removed from the trigger.
We do not recommend lubricating any part of your trigger, but if you must, we suggest Hoppe’s 9 Lubricating Oil (Model 30128). Only add two drops of oil between the hammer and the trigger where the hammer spring is located. Keep in mind, if you lubricate your trigger it will attract more dirt and debris requiring you to clean it more often.